What movie do you belong in ?

Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
BTW did I tell you that I have seen this movie couple of times and really enjoyed it. Click here for more on Fight Club
Life of a Software Engineer....LIVE from India....
Yesterday I saw Fahrenheit 9/11. A great documentary.
How I hate Mondays. Getting into the working mood after that big break is really tough, especially if you don't enjoy your work. ( No, don't start jumping with your assumption that I don't enjoy my work :-} )
Friday, the most awaited day of the week. No special plans for the week. Just planning to take out my good old Guitar from the shambles and strum a bit.
I am frustrated to core. Lost and Confused. Really don't know whats happening. I need a change. Maybe that will sort out things.
Really finding it tough to sqeeze some time from my hectic schedule to blog a few lines. My blogging frequency has suffered a lot because of this, the last self-blog came almost two weeks before and after that it has been forwards and some links all the way. At times a sofware professional's job becomes real erratic with no fixed course and time.
After months of negotiation with the authorities, aTalmudist from Odessa(city in the erstwhile Sovietnear the Black Sea for those unfamiliar with "TheOdessa Files") was granted permission to visitMoscow.He boarded the train and found an empty seat.
Check out this site !!!
Got this forward....
How I hate to review documents !!! Almost spent half day on reviewing a design doc. Boy, was it nerve breaking ? Booze is a necessity today.
...is exactly how I feel. I have not been quite myself in the last couple of week. Lost and confused. Everything is fine on the superficial level, but deep inside I miss something which I don't know. Sounds really crazy. But thats the way it is.
Started from Pune at around 9:30 AM. Took the expresshighway to Lonavala, and reached Karla caves at around 11:00 AM. The place was too crowded and I was a bit disappointed, we decided to shift our outing location to Tung/Tikona fort. After almost two hours of frantic journey around the Pawana dam and Kale colony we reached the base of Tikona fort. We decided to change there and carry our lunch with us.