Independence Day
Tomorrow we shall celebrate our 57th Independence Day.
There are memories associated with each and every festival we celebrate. Independence Day always reminds me of the school parade which we used to organize. Carrying Indian tricolor on our bicycles while going to school used to be a major thrill. Morning atomosphere used to be so energetic, one could hear patriotic songs played or radios/TVs. After the parade there used to be cultural programs which invariably had a group singing "Saare Jahaan Se Accha" or "Vande Mataram" and students performing a skit on a freedom fighter. Some sweets distribution used to end the ceremony.
After the school parade I used to rush back to catch the live transmission of parade at Red Fort on DD. Then DD was the only option. Me and my cousins used to get so excited watching our troops marching. The various missiles and tanks used to be the topic of discussion for quite some time after the parade.
But this was when we were kids. Things change as you grow up and so do the ways of celebrating a festival.
Is it true that as you grow you are less jingoistic? Or you are more bothered about materialistic things in life?
Happy Independence Day !!!

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